
Welcome to Tierhilfe Tutzing

a strong team

Each of our team has many years of experience in animal welfare and we have already helped a great many animals by advising the owners and through our operations.

Our association is with veterinarians,
the police,
networked with animal shelters and communities.

We made it a point of honor to help animals !!!
24 hours a day, 365 days a year

Hedgehog, cat, dog, bird, mouse - it doesn't matter
we help !!!

Our number:


Our tasks

We take care of :

- Missing animals
- Animals found
- Attacked animals
- Injured animals
- consultations
- We make search posters and distribute them

Give us a call !!

Our volunteers try to help you immediately and competently!

Free of charge, of course, because animals don't have a wallet !!!

Contact us

Members are of course very welcome


Welcome to Tierhilfe Tutzing

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